On-Site Event
Roadway Safety for Local Agencies
- Dec 19, 2023 (9:00 - 3:00 pm CT; 8:00 - 2:00 pm MT)
Memorial Hall (basement), 224 2nd Ave SE, Rugby ND
Training Poster
Please print and post the Roadway Safety for Local Agencies poster (PDF, 367K) at your location and encourage participation.
DEADLINE: Tuesday, December 12, 2023
There is a $25.00 registration fee (includes printed training materials and refreshment breaks). NDLTAP will invoice post event.
The above resource and more can be accessed by visiting the TLN Learning Management System (LMS).
Course Learning Objectives -
After completing this course, participants will be able to:
- Explain the need for making roads safer
- Separate safety myths from reality
- Demonstrate how to "read the road"
- Describe practical and low-cost countermeasures to improve safety, both on existing roads and during the design stage - including driving surface and signing improvement
- Identify ways to plan, implement, and fund low-cost safety measures
- Identify effective ways of encouraging communities to make their roads safer
- Behavioral aspects from your Regional Vision Zero Coordinator
Denise Brown,
Program Manager. Denise has been employed with the North Dakota Local Technical Assistance Program (NDLTAP) for 17 years. She serves on several national committees and has attended several trainings and train-the- trainer sessions on roadway safety. Denise's passion for roadway safety focuses on getting everyone home safely every day.
Bryon Fuchs,
NDLTAP Program Director with twenty- five plus years of transportation experience. He previously worked for NDDOT and was instrumental in the Load Road Safety Plans developed for the counties, urban areas, and Tribal Governments. He has presented on local road safety for national webinars.
Mark Verke,
Member Services Representative for the North Dakota Insurance Reserve Fund (NDIRF). Mark is a Certified Playground Safety Inspector (CPSI) and performs on-site liability surveys, teaches defensive driving courses, and provides other training to members of the fund. Mark has been employed with the NDIRF since April 1991 and been a member of the NDLTAP Advisory Board since 1993.
Theresa Liebsch is the Vision Zero Coordinator for the Southwest region of North Dakota and is housed at the Burleigh County Sheriff's Department in Bismarck. Theresa graduated with a degree in Communications from the University of Mary in 2020. She is a member of the Occupant Protection Committee and works with schools and communities to increase traffic safety education within her region through observational studies, data collection, and informative activities through events, education, and networking.
Target Audience
Motor-grader operators, road supervisors, county commissioners, signing personnel, maintenance personnel, contractors, consulting engineers, project managers and safety officers.