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On-Site Event

Designing Pedestrian Facilities for Accessibility - One-day Workshop with Field Activities

  • Mar 29, 2023 (9:00 - 4:00 pm CT; 8:00 - 3:00 pm MT)
    City of Mandan Public Works Building, 411 6th Ave SW, Mandan ND
  • Mar 30, 2023 (9:00 - 4:00 pm CT; 8:00 - 3:00 pm MT)
    City of Mandan Public Works Building, 411 6th Ave SW, Mandan ND

Training Poster

Please print and post the Designing Pedestrian Facilities for Accessibility poster (PDF, 315K) at your location and encourage participation.


REGISTRATION DEADLINE: Wednesday, March 22, 2023

There is a $50.00 registration fee (includes printed training materials, lunch and refreshment breaks). NDLTAP will invoice post event.

The above resource and more can be accessed by visiting the TLN Learning Management System (LMS).


Facilities in the public right-of-way (including walkways, ramps, curb ramps and landings, crosswalk, and pedestrian overpasses and underpasses) must be designed, constructed and maintained to serve all users. To meet the users' requirements, those involved with designing, building and maintaining infrastructure in the public right-of-way need a clear understanding of the wide range of disabilities that occur and the challenges faced by persons with disabilities. This course will identify laws, regulations, guidelines and standards pertaining to accessibility in the public right-of-way. Requirements for ensuring accessibility in existing facilities versus work in new construction and alterations will be discussed. Design elements necessary for achieving accessibility will be reviewed. Best practices will be identified. A detailed handout will be provided. The "field portion" of the class will be held inside a shop area and will include activities involving manual wheelchairs, canes/blindfolds and low-vision googles to allow participants to simulate the challenges faced by disabled persons in moving about in built-environments.

Specific topics to be covered include:

  • Criteria for accessibility in the public right-of-way
  • Legal requirements
  • Pedestrian access route (PAR)
  • Curb ramps and other transitions
  • Detectable warnings
  • Pedestrian crossings
  • Instructors: Accessible pedestrian signals (APS)
  • Street furniture and on-street parking
  • Work zones and maintenance
  • Activities with manual wheelchairs, blindfolds/canes and low-vision goggles


RONALD W. ECK, P.E. Ron is a professor emeritus of civil engineering at West Virginia University and senior advisor with the West Virginia Local Technical Assistance Program (WVLTAP). He has been involved in traffic engineering, including pedestrian transportation for 40 plus years.

NATHAN LEIER. Nathan Leier grew up on his family farm near Strasburg, ND. The 1990 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) provides transportation network standards for curb cutouts, push button doors, smooth and wide sidewalks and other minimum standards that are key items to help create a system for all users. As a frequent user of a system that is guided by ADA, Nathan is an engaging instructor that enjoys the opportunity to pass on information about and advocate for the ADA standards by helping designers and contractors understand why the standards are important. He loves to advocate for himself and others with disabilities and an enhanced quality of life through a well-designed transportation network.

Subject Matter Experts: Dale Heglund, P.E./PLS and Jennifer Einrem, P.E.

Target Audience

Local and state agency personnel with responsibility for designing, constructing and maintaining facilities in the public right-of-way; engineers, MPO staff, technicians, public works directors, street supervisors, crew leaders and inspectors; consulting engineers and contractors working for state and local agencies.

608 E Boulevard AveBismarck, ND 58505